, Serving your home, farm and garden needs since 1890.

Do It Yourself Pest Control Products

Protecta Landscape
Protecta Landscape, Bell's newest tamper-resistant bait station, is designed to easily blend with outdoor settings. Available in two realistic rock colors, sandstone and granite, Protecta Landscape features a naturally textured surface for a realistic appearance.
Protecta Landscape locks when closed and opens with the standard Bell 3-prong key. The built-in service record card holder, one-piece liner, and its side-opening design make servicing easy.

Four vertical bait-securing rods hold eight 1 oz. Blox securely inside the station. As with Protecta and Protecta Sidewinder bait station, Protecta Landscape also accommodates a Trapper T-Rex rat snap trap.

Made of heavy-duty, injection-molded plastic, with a durable hinge built to withstand frequent servicing, Protecta Landscape offers the superior durability PMPs have come to expect in Protecta tamper-resistant bait stations.


Help ensure the future of the environment and its wildlife for your children and grandchildren
by reading and UNDERSTANDING labels on pesticides before applying.

Note on allergies: If you or a family member has an abnormally high sensitivity to chemicals,
please consult an allergist before using any pesticides.
Order Line: 1-877-463-6697

131 Eaton St.
Lawrenceville, GA 30045
(770) 963-6183 | Fax: (770) 963-9477 | Order Line: 877-463-6697
Store Hours (Eastern): M-F: 8:00-5:30, Sat: Closed, Sun: Closed